Recently, Bishop Rob wrote an Op-Ed that was printed in the Union Leader.

“I AM WRITING in response to the recent piece, "Education's Sacred Trust" by Commissioner Frank Edelblut of the New Hampshire Department of Education. As the bishop of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire, I am compelled to respond when the word "sacred" is used, especially when used to divide by driving a wedge of fear and distraction into our communities.

In focusing on the acts of a few teachers to paint the education system in New Hampshire with such a broad brush is overreaching. In fact, Commissioner Edelblut says so himself in his piece, "To be fair, most educators do not engage in such practices," and, "Rather, these teachers provide instruction that is developmentally appropriate to the child." Striking fear into parents’ hearts that "activist educators might be knowingly dismantling the foundations of a value system they are attempting to build" in order to forward a political agenda towards school vouchers or, even worse, the dismantling of the public school system, is in my opinion as a parent and a New Hampshire resident the wrong focus…”

You can access the full article here.
