
A service of Holy Eucharist is offered in person on most Tuesdays at noon in the Chapel of All Angels at 63 Green Street in Concord (check the events calendar for updates). All other weekdays noonday prayer is offered beginning at noon. All are welcome.

SpiritBound Digital Mission Sunday Worship: gathering the spiritually curious

Weekly worship Sunday Evenings at 7p.m.: Take a few minutes to get centered for your week ahead with contemplative evening worship.  We gather a spiritually curious community to pray, reflect, and listen to scripture.   Gather in Jesus' way of love as we enter late springtime through Sunday, June 9th.

Join live or later in the week on Facebook again for Sunday Evening Worship at 7p.m. click here.

For worship you can link to this week's service bulletin, click here

Starting June 16th SpiritBound will offer “Gospel to Go” Sundays at 7p.m. published on the Facebook Page, click here.

“Gospel to Go” is a weekly summertime video reflecting on that week’s assigned Gospel reading. This year, in addition to Pastor Alanna, we will have guests offering a word of Good News as you journey through summer week by week!

Prior SpiritBound Digital Mission NH Offerings

2022 Indigenous Peoples’ Day Celebration an Online Gathering

Creation Care, Indigenous Justice & Spirituality, Sunday October 9th at 4p.m. Featuring Paul & Denise Pouliot of the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook Abenaki and Kathleen Blake of Indigenous New Hampshire we will build off of last year's observance holding a digital service of Evening Prayer with Bishop Rob Hirschfeld.  As key speakers they will teach about where Creation Care and concerns for indigenous justice meet showing how this connects with our faith.  Click here to view the recording. Click here for the Worship leaflet for this service.

Eastertide 2022-Honoring Earth Three Part Series with the Earth Care Commission

Part One: Creation Spirituality in the Christian Tradition on the Eve of Earth Day, you can click here to view the recording.

Part Two: Sustainability Practices Check out the presentation and discussion on the practice of sustainability in all areas of your life as we seek to faithfully Honor Earth.  Click here for this session’s recording.

Part Three: Experiencing Earth & Contemplation at Church of the Woods  Last June a group gathered for the "Experiencing Earth & Contemplation" at Church of the Woods in Canterbury, New Hampshire.  Click here for the Church of the Woods website; a photo album of the day and a video tour of the worship space.

Lent 2022—Restorative Justice in the season of Lent with the Prison Concerns Committee

The Digital Mission of NH and the Prison Concerns Committee of the Episcopal Church of NH hosted a two-part conversation about Restorative Justice during the season of Lent.  

Part One: Learning about the Justice System and Restorative Justice- The first gathering provides background into the current landscape of the justice system while considering restorative justice as a faithful response for everyone involved.  If you missed the live gathering of this forum, you can find a recording of it by clicking here.

Part Two: Going Deeper- Restorative Justice Now & Future Possibilities - The second gathering will go deeper into how you can get involved locally in support of restorative justice in New Hampshire. If you missed the live gathering of this forum, you can find a recording of it by clicking here.


2021 Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Ritual, Prayer, Learning, and Conversation
Learn about the rich Native American indigenous history of New Hampshire as well as some of the current struggles against injustice indigenous people face here today. Churches across America are renouncing the legacy and Doctrine of Discovery- renouncing that Europeans had a right to seize and colonize land in North America.  Come learn about this important and exciting movement. This event will feature Paul and Denise Pouliot of the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook Abenaki, Professor Paula Salvio from UNH-Durham and Bishop Rob Hirschfeld of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire. Recording available here.

September 14, 2021 Digital Dialogue: Reparations And Becoming Beloved Community
Most people think of reparations as monetary payment for slavery. But reparations is about much more than financial recompense. It is about racial reconciliation. Thus, reparations work is a social endeavor. It is what the Church is striving for with our Becoming Beloved Community. This gathering, participants examined why we need reparations as a society and what steps we can take to make it manifest to bring about God's Kingdom on Earth. Recording available here.

Wednesday, August 17, 2021 - Anglican Prayer Beads: Exploring the Anglican Rosary as a prayer practice with Audrey Rose of Grace Episcopal Church in East Concord. Recording available here.

Thursday, June 17, 2021- Exploring the Enneagram: Engaging Spirituality at the intersection of faith and personality.  Learn some basics of the Enneagram, its origins, and current configuration of the nine interrelated personality types. The session focuses on becoming familiar with where we are on the diagram and how the characteristics of our types have served us in our relationship with God and others. This session is a gateway to a larger conversation, inviting us to go deeper into our understanding of how personality shapes our spiritual journey and vice versa.
Recording available here.

Thursday, July 15, 2021- Lectio Divina: A Monastic Scripture Reading Practice. You can learn about the Benedictine scripture reading practice which avails its participants of a structured, meditative approach to scripture. The session focuses on becoming familiar with the history, and method of this practice. We hear from a George Swenson, a Lectio Divina practitioner about his experience in community with this method of scripture reading then engage in a session. Recording available here.  

For updates and zoom links check-out or

Click here to see "Beyond the Webcam: Audio and Video Streaming 101 for Clergy & Lay Ministers" on the Diocesan YouTube channel. 

 Go to Digital Mission on Facebook to check out latest postings, news and the Weekly Reflection, be sure to "Like" the page while there!


Diocesan Worship Music Library

Thanks to the generosity of several ECNH music ministries, congregations are now welcome to make use of the Diocesan Worship Music Library. Most titles in the library are available via a YouTube link and a Google Drive link (ideal for downloading) and are designed to be used as part of virtual worship services. Titles will be updated each week. The library lists the YouTube link and the Google Drive link for each video. Currently the library has three categories of videos:

  • Congregational Hymns and Anthems with Lyrics on Screen

  • Taizé Worship Music with Lyrics on Screen

  • NH Virtual Choirs

Please note:

  • All diocesan worship is available on Zoom and streamed to our YouTube channel:

  • If you want to join a Zoom worship service by phone, you may call +1 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID, which is same as the series of numbers in the link address. (For example, if the link is, then the Meeting ID is 97751831738).

  • In general, on Sundays when the diocese is not offering worship, all are invited to join the Bishop at the church he is visiting. You can see his visitation schedule HERE, and you can check the appropriate church website for information about how to join their service.

  • Lent Resources for congregations and individuals can be found HERE. Spiritual Formation resources for individuals and congregations can be found HERE.

A Sacred Meal for a Dispersed Community

“A Sacred Meal for a Dispersed Community” is a liturgy available for use in the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire during Advent and Epiphany 2020-2021. Acknowledging that we are not in the same physical space in the same way that Jesus gathered in the Upper Room with his disciples on the night before he suffered, we can come together nonetheless via online technology or at home.  We do so out of the spiritual yearning for closeness expressed by our Savior who said, “I have eagerly desired to share this Passover with you before I suffer.” (Luke 22:15)

These services are based on the Agape Meal for Maundy Thursday found on page 84 in the Book of Occasional Services and they acknowledge a connection with the Jewish shabbat tradition of a Friday night ceremonial meal usually celebrated in the home, remembering the dispersal of the Jewish people and God’s provision in exile.

The following liturgies may be used as indicated. There are options provided for prayers of the people, but you may also adapt and use your own selections. They may be led by a priest, deacon or lay leader.

PENTECOST Expanded Version (pdf)

PENTECOST Expanded Version (Word)

EASTER Expanded version (pdf)

EASTER Expanded Version (Word)

EASTER At Home version

LENT Expanded version

LENT At Home Version

EPIPHANY Expanded version

EPIPHANY Simplified version

EPIPHANY At Home Version

ADVENT Expanded Version

ADVENT Simplified Version

ADVENT At Home Version

Four Recipes for Baking Homemade Bread (Now includes a gluten-free option. Homemade bread is not required for the sacred meal.)

If you have any questions about the use of these services, please contact Canon Tina Pickering.

Virtual Choir Workshop Video and Slides

Josh Desrochers, Music Director at St. Matthew’s in Goffstown, offered this workshop on the technical and practical details of organizing and recording a Virtual Choir. Click here for a recording of the workshop. Password is: 1W@6?JGU. Josh’s PPT slides to accompany the workshop are here.

Using the Book of Common Prayer at Home

  • Two online versions of the Book of Common Prayer are available here and here.

  • Daily Devotions for Individuals and Families, found on page 136-140 of the BCP, are easily accessible liturgies as an alternative to the full Daily Office.

  • An extension of the Book of Common Prayer, The Book of Occasional Services, can be found online here.

Other Worship and Liturgy Resources

  • The Lifelong Learning and eFormation Learning Community at VTS offer a wealth of resources, including for life and worship online and in pandemic, including these videos on how to livestream a service here.

  • A helpful guide to using Zoom can be found here.

  • A helpful video to enhance your personal presence and maximize engagement on Zoom can be found here.