Resources For Clergy
Here you’ll find information, links, and documents to help support your life in the clergy of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire. Throughout the year, there are a variety of clergy meetings, discussions, retreats, conferences, and quiet days. We look forward to welcoming you to these events and hearing your ideas for programs. and future gatherings.
Ongoing Clergy and Leader Meetings
Lectionary Bible Study (for active lay and ordained preachers only). Invitation by weekly email.
Tuesdays, 3-4 p.m.
Clergy & Pastoral Leadership Check-In With Bishop Rob
As needed.
Update Your Church Listing on the Episcopal Asset Map
Make what’s happening at your church more accessible by keeping your Asset Map page updated. It’s easy! Learn how HERE.
Zoom Licenses for Congregations
The diocese provides one Zoom license per church for formation, prayer, worship, and vestry or other meetings online.
If you would like to request a diocese-supported Zoom license or need information about the one already issued to your congregation, please check with your church office first. If you still need more information, please email Kathy Traynor. You will receive an e-mail from Zoom with instructions on setting up an account and activating the license.