The Micah 6 Commission

The Micah 6 Commission is conceived to be one that prayerfully seeks to discern how the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire can “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God” as we witness Christ’s love to a world continually in need. We will strive to partner wherever we can with those agencies, both religious and secular, that we see are already effectively carrying out God’s mission. We will see how so many of the issues we face in the world—racism, environmental degradation, educational, health care and economic inequities, are interwoven. Our work on Micah 6 will reflect the vision of “Tending the Vine” of Christ’s love for the world, both locally and distant.

— The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld

Commission Members

The Rev. Jean Beniste, St. Paul’s, Concord
Seth Bonvouloir, Grace Church, Manchester
Kirsten Gowdy, St. Thomas’, Dover
The Rev. Shawn LaFrance, Grace Church, Concord
The Rev. Susan Langle, Epiphany Church, Newport
The Rev. William Petersen, All Saints,’ Wolfeboro
John Rowntree, Good Shepherd, Nashua
The Rev. Derek Scalia, St. James’, Keene, chair
Robert Siewierski, St. Stephen’s, Colebrook
Deborah Szauter, St. Paul’s Lancaster
Ashley Wade, St. John’s, Portsmouth

Staff liaison: Canon to the Ordinary Tina Pickering.

The commission meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month.

Read about the launch of the commission here.