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Additional Resources

These Resources are meant to enhance the important work being done in our parishes, our communities and New Hampshire.

Addiction and Recovery

The Episcopal Church of NH's Recovery Ministry group has compiled a resource list for clergy, lay leaders and our wider community who may need addiction, treatment and recovery resources. These can be found here.

Advent Resources

Advent Resources for individuals and congregations can be found here.

Clergy Resources

Clergy Resources, like Transition opportunities, Clergy Development, Events, Continuing Education and more can be found at the For Clergy section of our website.

COVID-19 Updates and Resources

Find the latest information here.

Cycles of Prayer

The Anglican and Diocesan Cycles of Prayer can be found here.

Diocesan Grant and Loan Programs

The councils, committees, and commissions of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire offer a number of financial resources to help congregations and new ministries grow and thrive in faith and love. Here is a convenient listing of current grant and loan programs.

Disaster Preparedness and Security

Churches throughout the diocese are encouraged to prepare for the possibility of a disaster in your community or at your place of worship. Find resources, including for cybersecurity, here.

Easter Resources

The Easter Resources page includes devotions for Holy Week, as well as for celebrating an Easter Vigil at home. Find the Easter Resources page here.

Epiphany Resources for Congregations and Individuals

A collection of resources can be found here.

Episcopal Hospital Chaplaincy of NH/VT

The Episcopal Hospital Chaplaincy (EHC) at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in Lebanon, New Hampshire is a partnership ministry of The Episcopal Church in New Hampshire and Vermont. The mission of the Chaplaincy is to “provide the services of an Episcopal Chaplain to hospitalized patients and their families, to provide the presence of The Episcopal Church, and to increase public awareness of the importance and usefulness of chaplaincy work.” Read more about this ministry.

Lent Resources

Visit our Lent webpage to find useful resources, for both congregations and individuals, to help broaden and deepen our spiritual practice during Lent.

Mission Resources

A committee of Diocesan Council, Mission Resources administers grants to congregations actively growing their mission, funded directly from the annual Diocesan budget. For applications and more information, visit the Mission Resources Committee page.

Mutual Ministry Review

Planning for ministry, doing the work, and reviewing or re-flecting on what we have done constitutes the mutual ministry cycle. This introduction to the guide describes the cycle, connects it to Scripture, and provides an overview of crucial steps for its implementation. The balance of the guide focuses on the review aspect of the cycle, because it has been the source of so much conflict and lost opportunity. To learn more, the Living into our Ministries by Vital Practices is a guide and workbook.

Our Kids Youth Commission

Guided by Robert Putnam's findings in his book Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, the Our Kids Commission of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire is committed to helping our congregations step into the "Opportunity Gap" for low-income and vulnerable children and their families in the state of New Hampshire. The Bishop’s “charge” to the Commission is “to find and serve the Child Jesus in our communities by helping congregations move away from asking “how can we get more young people from our community in the doors of our church?” to “how can we go out the doors of our church to serve the needs of young people in our communities?”  His goal is to create an easier “on ramp” for committed people in our churches to serve all our children as tutors, mentors, and advocates.  

Grants are available to congregations to develop, expand, or explore programs that will address the Opportunity Gap. 

Click here to download the Our Kids Grant Application

School for Ministry

Recognizing the changing needs of the diocese’s congregations and evolving trends in vocations for ministry throughout the region, the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire has announced it is creating a School for Ministry. Its curriculum and educational design will focus on the local and regional formation of priests and licensed lay ministers. The School for Ministry’s teaching model will utilize curriculum from the Iona Collaborative and combine online, internet-based learning with monthly, weekend in-person classes and student meetings. The in-person portion of the program will be held at Trinity Episcopal Church in the central Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Click here for more information about the School for Ministry.

Spiritual Direction

A Spiritual Director is someone who is trained in listening and serves as a trusted companion for your spiritual journey. There are several centers for spiritual direction associated with the Episcopal Church in New England at which one can be connected with a spiritual director, or train to be a spiritual director:

Spiritual Direction in New England (Province I) – resources for connecting with spiritual directors in Province I of the Episcopal Church

Adelynrood - a retreat and conference center run by the Society of the Companions of the Holy Cross – offering women and men conferences, workshops and individual and group retreats.

Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE) –An Episcopal monastic community offering workshops, retreats, direction, internships, and formation materials like “Brother Give us A Word” and “Meeting Jesus.”

Bethany House of Prayer – a retreat and spiritual direction center run by the Sisterhood of St. Anne.

Spiritual Direction International – an inter-faith resource for information about spiritual direction.

Vestry Resource Guide

The Vestry Resource Guide, produced by Forward Movement and the Episcopal Church Foundation, can be found here or it can be purchased in print copy. Vital Practices also publishes the Vestry Papers, a regularly published resource for Vestry members, including topics related to training, stewardship, finance and service.

Vital Practices

The Episcopal Church Foundation's Vital Practices offers vestry members, and other people of faith, resources and tools to respond to the changing needs of the Church. Vital Practices explores new ways of supporting congregations by building online communities of Episcopalians who share their stories, experiences, and best practices; who learn from one another; and who discover support to help sustain their leadership and their ministries. It includes articles by experts and peers, blogs for sharing ideas about faith and leadership, stories about real life lessons of change and leadership, tools for stewardship and communications, and opportunities to share your stories and examples.

Tending the Vine Graphic Identity

For more information on the use of the diocesan visual identity, please contact the communications department.