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The Episcopal Church in New Hampshire uses the Episcopal Asset Map as a guide to our churches and summer chapels. Clergy and lay leaders: Make what’s happening at your church more accessible by keeping your Asset Map page updated. Learn how here.
Additional Resources
These resources are meant to enhance the important work being done in our parishes, our communities and New Hampshire.
Addiction and Recovery
Advent Resources
Cycles of Prayer
Diocesan Grant and Loan Programs
Disaster Preparedness and Security
Easter Resources
Epiphany Resources
Episcopal Hospital Chaplaincy of NH/VT
The Episcopal Hospital Chaplaincy (EHC) at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center (DHMC) in Lebanon, New Hampshire is a partnership ministry of The Episcopal Church in New Hampshire and Vermont. The mission of the Chaplaincy is to “provide the services of an Episcopal Chaplain to hospitalized patients and their families, to provide the presence of The Episcopal Church, and to increase public awareness of the importance and usefulness of chaplaincy work.”
Lent Resources
Mission Resources
Mutual Ministry Review
Collaboratively developed by the Episcopal Church Foundation, the Episcopal Church Center's Offices for Ministry Development and Deployment and many diocesan representatives, this guide is designed for congregations to conduct an effective ministry review.
Safe Church
School for Ministry
Spiritual Direction
Vestry Resource Guide
Vital Practices
A ministry of the Episcopal Church Foundation, this offers vestry members and other people of faith, resources and tools to respond to the changing needs of the Church.