Each year on this day we celebrate the birthday of the church. Normally it is a day of joy and exuberance as we open ourselves to the possibility for God’s renewal, for a fresh inhale of God’s life-giving, light bearing Spirit.  The Holy Spirit, the breath of God, that brooded over the chaos before the creation, that shapes a random mess of particles into atoms and mass, and life, and meaning and purpose.  The Holy Spirit that invades all boundaries and isolated individual interests to form communities of love and concern and compassion.  For more, click HERE

Say Their Names

As bishop, I invite the membership of our parishes to listen to this list of these individuals, each created in the beautiful and strong image of God.  I don’t care if you learn about the Parthians, the Medes, the Elamites, the Phrygians and all the rest this year.  I urge you to listen to these names  As you hear or read these names, please invite the Holy Spirit to choose a name for you to come alongside in the coming weeks of what may be a long summer.  Say the name in your daily prayers.  Learn who that person was. Learn when and where they were born.  To read more, click HERE

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