The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld


  November 11, 2018

 This weekend we are invited to honor those among us who have sacrificed their time, their comforts, and untold other opportunities available to them, even their own physical, emotional and spiritual comfort, so that our world can meet real threats to our security and freedom.  Daily I am privileged to serve among men and women in the Church whose character and generosity of spirit was somehow shaped and strengthened by their time in one of the service branches of our military. 

 Mr. Steve Baker, Marine; Ms. Jo Brooks, Marine; Mr. Bob Cotton, Army; Mr. Bob Wells, Navy; Mr. Bill Sloane, Navy, Mr. Andre Garcia, Marine, Mr. Matthew Markiewicz, Marine, the Rev. Richard Matthews, Air Force, the Rev. Richard Davenport, Navy. These are just a few of the courageous, dedicated, and loving hearts whose service to both God and Country has allowed me, a non-Veteran, to be able to express and live my faith in a God of peace and justice without government restraint or rebuke.  I honor and thank them, along with those in many in of our churches whom I have not named, and I wish to offer this prayer for all Veterans:

 Lord, our God, look favorably on all those who have served this nation in our armed forces. We thank you for your presence with them in their service. Help them and us to remember their fallen comrades, that the sacrifices we honor this day may never be forgotten. Let the light of liberty and the love of justice and mercy burn brightly in the heart of this and all nations, through Jesus Christ our Savior.

 We also remember on this day the end of the First World War, the war that was hoped to end all wars for its incomprehensible brutality many believed was unprecedented in the history of warfare.  Sadly, our sinful and fallen nature still leads humanity into violence. And so we pray for world peace:

 O God of all the living, lead us from death to life, from falsehood to truth. Lead us from despair to hope, from fear to trust. Lead us from hate to love, from war to peace. Let your peace fill our hearts, our nation, our world, through the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

  Bishop Rob Hirschfeld

Bishop of New Hampshire

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