With gratitude to the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire and the people of Trinity Claremont, I am on sabbatical from Feb. 1 through April 30, 2025. During that time, please connect with the following colleagues:

  • For the ordination process, vocational discernment, and matters related to the Commission on Ministry, the lead contact is Dean of Clergy, the Rev. Louise Howlett.

  • Registration and logistics for the March COM retreat are being handled by Operations and Event Administrator Kathy Traynor.

  • Safe Church, background checks, and youth formation remain in the hands of my associate, Youth Formation and Safe Church Coordinator George Swenson.

  • For matters where formation meets congregational development, including the diocese’s relationship with the Iona Collaborative, connect with Canon to the Ordinary Tina Pickering.

    For the School for Ministry:

  • Currently enrolled students, please contact SFM faculty member and interim SFM lead the Rev. Steve Rugg, or your instructor.

  • SFM Wednesday community time will be student-led.

  • For questions about tuition invoices or other financial matters, please connect with Director of Finance and Benefits Lauren Tennett.

    For Trinity Claremont:

  • Trinity’s general email is welcome@trinityclaremont.org. The parish administrator will forward your message to the appropriate person at Trinity. For pastoral emergencies, please consult your directory and contact Deacon Geof.

    Please note that my kss@nhepiscopal.org email inbox will not be monitored until May 1.

AuthorAmy Redfern