All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Littleton, NH, is introducing an Academic Support Program for students at the local high school and middle school, tapping into the talents, knowledge, and skills of volunteers from the congregation. The Rev. Kathy Boss, Curate of All Saints' is leading the effort, which has already attracted several volunteers.
The impetus for the program is the state's widening education gap -- increasing gaps in local school funding levels, student achievement, and available resources during COVID, such as access to technology for remote learning. Also, in creating "Our Kids" Commission in 2016, New Hampshire's Bishop Rob challenged all “ find and serve the Child Jesus in our communities by helping congregations move away from asking how can we get more young people from our community in the doors of our church to asking, how can we go out the doors of our church to serve the needs of young people in our communities?” All Saints’ Academic Support Program seeks to answer that call.
The program, which is free to students, will recruit, train, and pair academic volunteers with students in grades 7-12. Students will meet with their academic support volunteers 2-4 times per month, for 30-45 minute sessions. Work may focus on student organizational skills, academic progress, projects and assignments, learning standards, and encouragement and support, depending on the needs of the student.
The thoughtfully designed program will provide training, a background check, and academic mentoring structures and frameworks to prepare volunteers, offer ongoing support, and deliver a robust academic program for local students.
To view a 15-minute introductory video created by Rev. Kathy for the All Saints' program, click on this link:
With the support of the schools' principals, the program will begin at Littleton High School and Daisy Bronson Middle School. Program flyers will be sent to guidance counselors to distribute to families. In addition, the program will be promoted on the schools' Facebook pages to reach families.
If you are interested in learning more, and how you might develop a similar program in your community, contact the Rev. Kathy Boss at