A law incorporating “The Protestant Episcopal Church in New Hampshire” as a separate legal entity and establishing a Board of Trustees was passed by the New Hampshire Legislature in the summer of 1846. A significant aspect of the original purpose of the legislation was to hold and invest assets given to the church in New Hampshire — this continues to be the Trustees’ primary charge.
The Bishop serves as the President of the Trustees. All other Trustees are chosen by the Bishop, with the consent of the whole Board. Historically, Trustee appointments have open-ended terms, and may serve for life if they choose.
The Trustees’ Primary Areas of Oversight
Investment of funds held by the diocese and a majority of the diocesan congregations. The Trustees manage these investments on behalf of the diocese and the congregations and provide quarterly distributions to all of the respective entities.
The Trustees possess funds in their name. The investment proceeds of these funds are used to support the diocese’s operating budget, the Bishop’s discretionary fund, and select charitable work in the name of the New Hampshire church, including education scholarships for children of NH clergy.
Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New Hampshire
Benge Ambrogi, treasurer (2018)
Sarah Ambrogi, Esq., secretary (2015) *
Christine Anderson, Esq., assistant secretary (2019) *
J. Robert Cotton, Esq., (1992)
The Rev. Jamie Hamilton (2019)
The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld, president (2013)
Richard Ingram (2025) *
Terry Knowles (1997) *
Pamela Minish (2024) *
Robert A. Wells, Esq. (1982) *
Margaret Porter, ex. officio, president of the Standing Committee (2022)
Lauren Tennett, assistant treasurer (non Trustee)
* (Indicates member of Investment Committee. Robert Wells serves as an alternate)Links to Helpful Resources
Most Recent Annual Report to Convention
Bylaws of the Board of Trustees
Clergy Children Scholarship Guidelines
Clergy Children Scholarship Application
For more information please contact Chief Financial Officer, Benge Ambrogi.