
Standing Committee

The Standing Committee is created by Episcopal Church Canon and is a critical part of the organization and governance of the Episcopal Diocese of New Hampshire. The committee is composed of elected lay and ordained members of the church.

The Standing Committee serves as the bishop’s counsel of advice. In accordance with other Canons, the committee fills vacancies in offices elected by the Convention and, in the absence of a bishop, is the ecclesiastical authority of the diocese.

From Canon 2, Section 5 of NH Constitutions and Canons

Membership: There shall be a Standing Committee composed of three canonically resident members of the clergy in good standing and three lay persons who are adult communicants in good standing in their respective congregations and are confirmed or received in The Episcopal Church.

Convention shall elect, at its annual session, one clergy and one lay member to serve terms of three years. No person, clergy or lay, who has served six consecutive years on the Standing Committee is eligible for re-election until at least one year has elapsed.

Officers: As soon as possible following an annual session of Convention members of the Standing Committee shall meet to choose a president and a secretary.

To advise the bishop:  The Standing Committee shall be a council of advice to the bishop. It shall meet at the request of the bishop or the president or any four members of the Standing Committee.

Vacancy in the episcopate: In case of a vacancy in the episcopate, the Standing Committee is the ecclesiastical authority of the diocese, except as otherwise provided by the canons of The Episcopal Church or this diocese.

Authority to fill vacancies: Except as otherwise provided in these canons, the Standing Committee has the authority to fill any vacancy that may occur in any office elected by Convention. A person so appointed shall serve until a successor is elected at the next annual session of Convention.

Authority of Convention: The Standing Committee, acting with the bishop, if there is one, shall have the authority and responsibilities of Convention between its annual sessions, except as otherwise provided in these canons, and shall be accountable to Convention.

Members of the Standing Committee

A. Joan Bowers (2026)
Jack Calhoun (2027)
Rev. Guy Collins (2026)
Rev. Zachary Harmon, clerk (2025)
Margaret Porter, president (2025)
Rev. Veronika Travis (2027)

Diocesan Advance Fund
Environmental Sustainability and Energy Audit Grants

Administered by the Standing Committee, The Diocesan Advance Fund (DAF) is a revolving loan fund that provides low-cost financing to existing parishes and missions of the Diocese for the purpose of making capital improvements.

Each year the Standing Committee allocates a total of up to $150,000 of the Diocesan Advance Fund for Environmental Sustainability Grants to congregations wishing to make “green” changes to church property. Grants are awarded for capital projects that will result in improved energy efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

In order to encourage congregations to apply for Environmental Sustainability Grants, the Standing Committee also provides DAF grants of up to $1,500 to congregations for Energy Audits.

For policy guidelines, procedures, and applications for Diocesan Advance Fund Loans and Environmental Sustainability and Energy Audit Grants, please click HERE.