Our Kids

Our Purpose

To use the economic and human resources of the Episcopal Church of NH to help bridge the opportunity gap facing youth in New Hampshire.  

Our Mission

Our mission is to enact the Bishop’s charge to the Commission is: “To find and serve the Child Jesus in our communities by helping congregations move away from asking how can we get more young people from our community in the doors of our church to asking, how can we go out the doors of our church to serve the needs of young people in our communities?”

Who to contact: Edward Doyle, Chair

Our Work

Recent Collaborations include:

•   Scholarships to the Pine Street Players summer camps in collaboration with Christ Church, Exeter

•   Field Trip Support to the Berlin Recreation and Parks Department Summer Program in collaboration with St. Barnabas, Berlin.

•   Support for the Oasis Teen Drop-In Shelter (part of Claremont Learning Partnership) in collaboration with Union/ St. Luke’s, Claremont

•   Support for an after-school music and singing program at St. John’s, Portsmouth

Our Members

  • Ed Doyle, Chair

  • Rev. Peggy Schnack

  • Aaron Jenkyn

  • Jack Lewis

  • Rev. Kathy Boss

  • Kirsten Gowdy

  • Marty Cloran

  • Yvonne Jenkins

  • The Rev. Canon Kelly Sundberg Seaman, Diocesan Staff Liaison

Get Involved

Contact the Our Kids Commission for assistance if your parish is looking to support or host a program that serves youth in your community. Such a program does not necessarily have to be created from scratch. A partnership with a local school and/or community organization is very common and welcome.


Grant Info & Application