Lent 2025: Resources for Living in Faith
“The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, you are invited to walk with Jesus in his Way of Love and into the experience of transformed life.” —from the invitation to “Life Transformed: The Way of Love in Lent”
A Word from Bishop Rob on Good Friday Liturgies
At the Clergy Conference in October 2023, we were privileged to hear from the Rev. Dr. Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski, an Episcopal priest who is now the director of the Center for Christian-Jewish Learning at Boston College. At that conference, we discussed the legacy of antisemitism in the Christian Church and how that legacy is still evident in our lectionary and worship, especially in our Holy Week liturgies.
I want to be sure that the clergy preparing our worship services leading up to Easter this year know that they have my permission, allowed by resolution of our General Convention, to use the alternative Good Friday liturgical texts. These resources were developed by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas while Dr. Joslyn-Siemiatkoski was on the faculty of the Seminary of the Southwest.
You can access the texts and Gospel for these liturgies here:
May Jesus, the source of all healing and life, be made known to our worshippers this Lent and through the upcoming Holy Week.
In Christ,
Congregations and faith communities: Are you making plans to offer a shared Lent program for your community? The first set of resources below are well suited for use by congregations and other groups who plan to travel through Lent together. (Confirm delivery dates with publishers, plan to order early, and/or consider digital delivery options.)
Individuals and households: Are you looking for a guide along your personal Lenten journey, or for your household’s or family’s path? The second set of resources below work well in that context.
No matter what your context, please review all that’s offered here: many resources will adapt to larger or smaller numbers of participants.
Scroll through for Passiontide & Holy Week resources.
You are invited to visit this page often to see what new ideas and resources have been added.
Resources for congregations and faith communities
A full range of resources from The Episcopal Church, including links to “Life Transformed – The Way of Love in Lent,” a “Becoming Beloved Community” Lent curriculum, and “Journey to the Cross,” the Lent series of d365, a daily devotion written for youth and adults.
40 Days of Welcome and Gratitude: Lenten Resources
United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries are offering a multifaceted program this Lent to help people of all ages consider ways they both experience and provide welcome.
Register here for a five-session book club on “The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You” by Dina Nayeri. Zoom discussions will be held at noon Eastern on Tuesdays from March 11 through April 8.
Sign up to receive daily gratitude text messages.
Download children’s activities, Prayers of the People for Lent, gratitude calendars, lesson plans for faith formation leaders, and more.
The Way of Love
Lent Course: Life Transformed—The Way of Love in Lent. Course sessions connect scripture readings from the Easter Vigil to the seven practices of the Way of Love. Offered in two formats: arranged for weekly sessions and as a day-long retreat. Resources also include a downloadable calendar with daily practices, scripture passages, and reflection questions for Ash Wednesday through Easter 2025.
Weekly Life Transformed bulletin inserts include daily prompts from “Living the Way of Love” by Mary Bea Sullivan (Church Publishing, 2019)
More Resources
Ashes: A Lenten Playlist
Music for Lent selected by Lifelong Learning staff from the Virginia Theological Seminary and available on Spotify.
Living Compass
Living Well Through Lent 2025 includes a printed or downloadable booklet, daily emails, and facilitators’ guide.
Building Faith
Lent resources, many with an all-age/intergenerational focus, from this ministry of the Virginia Theological Seminary.
Forward Movement
Search the publisher’s website for seasonal books and devotionals.
Lent Madness
This light-hearted exploration of the lives of the saints modeled on sports tournament brackets asks each year, “Who will win the Golden Halo”? (Offered through Forward Movement.)
Church Publishing Company
Search the publisher’s website for seasonal books and devotionals.
Resources for individuals and households
"Holy Week with Jesus" text-message experience is back for 2025. Join in for reflections from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. This text message experience brings the events of Jesus’s final days to your phone—often at surprising hours, making you feel right there in the moment. Participants receive short, powerful Breaking News reflections from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
Scan the QR code at HolyWeekWithJesus.com or text “JESUS” to (833) 510-5006. You'll begin receiving messages on Palm Sunday.
Writing as Spiritual Practice: A Lenten Invitation
Tuesdays, March 11 - April 8, 7 p.m. on Zoom
Join poet, scholar, teacher, and spiritual guide Kathleen Henderson Staudt to explore how words can become a pathway into prayer, making you more open and available to God. Register here.
Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day at home
from Lily Lewin, Free Range worship
Ash Wednesday Bonfire at Home
from Building Faith at Virginia Theological Seminary
Weekly Lenten Sunday Worship with the SpiritBound Digital Mission Sundays at 7 p.m.
Join the livestream of Gathering the Spiritually Curious on Sunday evenings for the Season of Lent on SpiritBound’s Facebook page.
Daily Lenten Meditations
Subscribe and/or download for daily messages and meditations.
Society of St. John the Evangelist (SSJE): For Lent, the Brothers of SSJE invite you to take on a simple practice that draws on the rhythm and richness of the monastic life—yet fits into your day. Brother, Give Us a Word has been helping people to start the day with prayer for over a decade. The Brothers are also offering In the Midst, five mediations to hear, read, or watch.
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD): Psalm 51:10 reads, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” Reflect on your newness in Christ as you journey through ERD's Lenten Meditations, written by Miguel Escobar, and discover new ways your faith is guiding you through the world.
Weekly reflections for Lent from the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire
A seven-part series of videos and text. Made here in NH for 2021, these reflections are evergreen. Return to them this year or experience them for the first time. Find the playlist here.
For Passiontide and Holy Week
The Visual Commentary on Scripture: Themes for Passiontide and Easter
“Holy Week and Easter rehearse Christianity’s great exodus narrative, in which the tribulations of an enslaved people are relived in the sufferings of one man. His going through the ‘deep waters’ of death recalls the ancient Israelites’ passing through the Red Sea, and the morning of the resurrection marks the glorious dawn of liberty after captivity. These exhibitions illuminate the journey of Christ to the cross, to the dead, and into the glory of a new creation.”
(The Visual Commentary on Scripture (VCS) is a freely accessible online publication that provides theological commentary on the Bible in dialogue with works of art. It helps its users to (re)discover the Bible in new ways through the illuminating interaction of artworks, scriptural texts, and commissioned commentaries.)
The Way of the Cross: Resources from Building Faith
Finding The Way of The Cross in Nature: “These guides provide children and adults a way to discover that the story of Good Friday and the cross is written into the natural world about them if they only know where to look! “Stations” are very common natural occurrences and not hard to spot – such as a flower or fallen log. The guide allows the experience of the stations to be self-directed and done at one’s own pace. Each station includes a relevant scripture passage, a prayer from the Book of Common Prayer, and a reflection question. In the children’s guide, each station has a summary of the story of the station, a sentence from scripture, a simple prayer, a wondering question, and a simple activity for an embodied response.”
Way of the Cross Video Reflection: “The Department of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary is pleased to offer a video version of The Way of the Cross and a reflection guide in both English and Spanish. Through scripture, art, and music, the video invites us to walk with Christians of every generation on a virtual pilgrimage, meditating on our Lord’s passion and death. Permission is granted for unlimited use of this video.”