What on Earth Should I Say? Useful Pastoral Care Techniques for Lay People
Four Mondays in June: 6/5, 6/12, 6/19, 6/26
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Session 1: The Problem of Pain
Why do bad things happen? Where is God in the midst of tragedy? What do we expect of God? In this session we will engage in a lively discussion about the complexities of pain and loss in our lives and in the world.
Offered by Rev. Elsa Worth, St. James Episcopal Church, Keene, in partnership with the Diocese of New Hampshire’s School for Ministry
When someone you care about is ill, grieving, lonely, or in pain, it's sometimes hard to know what to do. You want to be helpful, but should you visit? Call? Bring food? Offer some wise words? Pray? What is truly helpful and comforting and what is not?
The goal of this four-week series is to equip participants with some basic information and solid tools that are helpful in offering a loving pastoral presence to those who are suffering or in pain. The series will provide a solid introduction for anyone who wants to feel more confident in reaching out to their friends and loved ones in times of trouble.
This series is appropriate foundational work for people discerning or practicing a call as Eucharistic Visitors, lay pastoral caregivers, healing prayer teams, and similar forms of lay pastoral care.
For more information or to register, contact the course leader, the Rev. Elsa Worth. Please register no later than May 31.