Diocesan Council

The Diocesan Council plans and promotes diocesan work, subject to the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese and all directives of the Annual Diocesan Convention.

Under the leadership of the Bishop, the Council holds the authority and the responsibilities of the Diocesan Convention between annual convention sessions as it relates to finances and resources, church development, human services, ministry, and other programs. The Diocesan Council is accountable to the Diocesan Convention and makes an annual report of its work to the Convention.

The Bishop or, in the case of a vacancy in the episcopate the President of the Standing Committee, shall serve as Chairperson of the Council. The Chairperson may also appoint a moderator to conduct the business of the Council.

Selection of representative members. The trustee member shall be chosen by that body, the convocation representatives shall be chosen as provided in these canons, and the bishop shall appoint and Diocesan Council shall confirm the chairpersons of the commissions.

The membership of the Council is made up as follows:

  • The Chairperson shall be the Bishop

  • One clergy and one lay representative from each of the six convocations (not members of the same parish)

  • Treasurer of Convention

  • The Chair of the Mission Resources Committee

  • The Chairperson of each of the Diocesan Council Commissions

  • One member of the Trustees of the Diocese

  • A non-voting Secretary appointed by the Bishop

  • A moderator appointed by the Bishop

2025 Diocesan Council members

The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld
Margaret Porter, moderator
Gregory Anderson, Western Convocation 
The Rev. Kathy Boss, Southern Convocation
Bob Cotton, Trustees’ representative
The Rev. Richard Davenport, Western Convocation
Steven Falci, Seacoast Convocation
The Rev. Betsy Hess, Northern Convocation
The Rev. Reed Loy, Central Convocation and chair, Mission Resources
Alan MacRae, Central Convocation
Brian McGuire, Southern Convocation
The Rev. William Petersen, Lakes Convocation
The Rev. Sue Poulin, Seacoast Convocation
The Rev. Derek Scalia, chair, Micah 6 Commission
Chris Porter, treasurer of Convention
Bob Seston, Lakes Convocation

For more information, please contact Chief Financial Officer Benge Ambrogi.

Diocesan Council Meeting Minutes

October 10, 2024
July 11, 2024
March 14, 2024