Diocesan Advance Fund (DAF) Loans
Environmental Sustainability Grants
Energy Audit Grants

Find detailed guidelines regarding DAF Loan, Environmental Sustainability Grant, and Energy Audit Grant Applications HERE.

Diocesan Advance Fund (DAF) Loans

The Diocesan Advance Fund (DAF) is a revolving loan fund that provides low-cost financing to existing parishes and missions of the Diocese for the purpose of making capital improvements, such as building expansion, facilities improvement, renovations, or other major repairs, and for the purpose of building new missions to meet the needs of under-served communities. The Finance Committee is responsible for advising on the financial soundness of loan applications prior to formal review and approval by the Standing Committee. Review of DAF applications takes a minimum of two months. The 2025 Interest Rate is 4.25%.

Diocesan Advance Fund Loan Application

Environmental Sustainability Grants

Each year the Standing Committee allocates a total of up to $150,000 of the Diocesan Advance Fund for environmental sustainability grants to congregations wishing to make “green” changes to church property. Grants are awarded for capital projects that will result in improved energy efficiency, reduced environmental impact, and improved indoor air quality. In addition to other qualifications, applicant congregations must have already received, by payment or pledge, some amount of money intended for the project. An application for a grant of more that $1,000 must be accompanied by an energy audit report that includes an estimate of the return on the proposed expenditure. The Standing Committee accepts grant applications quarterly. Applications received on the first Friday of the quarter (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) will be acted on that quarter.

Sustainability Grant Application

Energy Audit Grants

In order to encourage congregations to apply for Environmental Sustainability Grants, the Standing Committee also provides DAF grants of up to $1,500 to congregations for energy audits. In order to receive this grant, the congregation simply needs to get a quote for an energy audit and attach it to the application found here. For a list of firms that perform energy audits, please contact Chief Financial Officer Benge Ambrogi at (603) 224-1914. Up to 10 energy audit grants will be awarded each year on a first come first served basis.

Energy Audit Grant Application

For more information about DAF Loans, Environmental Sustainability Grants, and Energy Audit Grants, please contact Chief Financial Officer Benge Ambrogi.