
As established in the New Hampshire Constitution and Canons, congregations, in union with the Annual Diocesan Convention, shall be organized into the following six regional associations known as “Convocations.”

Central Convocation

Concord (St. Paul’s and Grace), Dunbarton, Franklin, Hopkinton, Pittsfield, SpiritBound – NH Digital Mission, Weare

Lakes Region Convocation

Tamworth, Wolfeboro, Meredith, Laconia, Ashland-Plymouth, Sanbornville, North Conway

Northern Convocation

Colebrook, Lancaster, Berlin, Littleton, Lisbon, Woodsville, North Woodstock

Seacoast Convocation

Portsmouth (St. John’s and Christ Church), Hampton, Dover, Durham, Exeter

Southern Convocation

Derry, Londonderry, Salem, Hampstead, Nashua, Milford, Manchester (Grace and St. Andrew’s), Goffstown, Peterborough

Western Convocation

Hanover, Newport, New London, Claremont (Trinity and Union St. Luke’s), Charlestown, Walpole, Keene

For more information, please contact the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire’s Diocesan Office.