Click on the video link below for an Easter message from Bishop Rob. You can click here for the transcript.
Traveling to Cuba is always an uplifting and heart-rending experience. The flight from Miami is barely thirty minutes in the air. As a traveler clears customs and exits the airport, it is as if one is transported decades back in time: horse-drawn carriages are a main mean of transportation and not a tourist prop, and the few cars on the road are large American models from the 1950’s and Russian Lada’s being held together by the mastery of Cuban mechanics and spare parts from around the world.
The Cuban people after Pandemic isolation and prolonged hardship, six decades of one-party rule and neglect, trade, and travel embargos from the United States, and increasing migration hollowing out the country, are tired and almost without hope for a better future.
On March 13, four members of Christ Church in Exeter with its Rector, the Rev. Mark Pendleton, visited their companion parish in Cardenas, Cuba for one week. Christ Church has sent seven delegations to Cuba in nine years, with their largest group in 2019 joined by Bishop Rob. On this trip, we carried down needed medicines and spare parts and filters for various water systems throughout the diocese. In January, the Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) sub-committee of the Diocese made a grant of $5000 to Christ Church to be used to transport and install a U.V. water filtration system for the Church of the Annunciation, in the town of Florida, Camaguey Province.
The Cuba of today suffers through rolling blackouts, food shortages, lack of basic medical care and medicines, widespread dengue fever, and simmering civil unrest. Many young people and professionals are fleeing the island for the U.S., causing a familiar “brain drain” of skills and leaving many children to be raised by grandparents as they await family reunification.
The Cuban Episcopal Church remains a source of inspiration and welcome in an otherwise bleak landscape. Reunited with the Episcopal Church in 2018, the Diocese of Cuba is a witness to the power of Christ to be present in times of struggle and exile, and perseverance and hope. To learn more about those working with Cuba, visit
Shared by the Rev. Mark Pendleton, Christ Church Exeter
The priest Aurelio de la Paz blessing baby clothes donated by church members for a newborn in the parish.
This sign is posted in the church showing some love from NH.
In the Episcopal Church and in the Anglican Communion, the last Sunday in Epiphany each year is designated as World Mission Sunday, a time when the church comes together to focus on the global impact of our call to “seek and serve Christ in all persons” (Baptismal Covenant, Book of Common Prayer, p. 305), and on ways congregations can become involved.
This year, World Mission Sunday falls on February 19, 2023.
In New Hampshire, Bishop Rob asks every congregation to join him in prayer for our global partners in Angola and in the wider Anglican Communion on February 19, incorporating the “Angola Prayer” during worship:
You asked for my hands
that you might use them for your purpose.
I gave them for a moment, then withdrew them
for the work was hard.
You asked for my mouth
to speak out against injustice.
I gave you a whisper that I might not be accused.
You asked for my eyes
to see the pain of poverty.
I closed them for I did not want to see.
You asked for my life
that you might work through me.
I gave a small part that I might not get too involved.
Lord, forgive my calculated efforts to serve you
only when it is convenient for me to do so,
only in those places where it is safe to do so,
and only with those who make it easy to do so.
Lord, forgive me (us), renew me (us),
send me (us) out as a usable instrument
that I (we) might take seriously the meaning of your cross. Amen.
―Joe Seremane
To learn more about how our diocesan partnership with Angola, especially with the Mamas in Ondjiva, began with two congregations on opposite sides of the world who shared friendship, dreams and prayers, watch this short video developed by Elizabeth Thomas of the Diocese of London.
For resources from The Episcopal Church, including bulletin inserts, click here.
To learn more about global mission, contact the Rev. Gail Avery, Angola/SDG Committee, or the Rev. Alanna M. Van Antwerpen, our diocesan Officer for Community Engagement!
What a day! The beautiful weather in New Hampshire today was welcoming to the many who traveled to the Concord Center for the Arts for the Eucharist Service and Panel Discussion with the Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, New Hampshire Bishop Rob Hirschfeld, and members of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire! The Presiding Bishop gave a rousing sermon which isn’t to be missed – you can find it in the video of the service on our YouTube page.
Thanks to the many who took part, to those who attended, and to those who provided the beautiful music: The St. Paul’s School Chapel Choir and the Portsmouth Brass. (Full details in program.)
These are just a few photos from this wonderful event!
This evening, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry kicked off his visit to New Hampshire with a stop at St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Hanover for the event “Building an Anti-Racist America: Becoming Beloved Community” hosted by the School House Anti-Racism Coalition of Dartmouth College.
Said Bishop Curry at the event, "All are one in Christ: that is Beloved Community."
In the most recent edition of the Vestry Papers from the Episcopal Church Foundation, our Chief Financial Officer Benge Ambrogi shares his thoughts on Stewardship in a New World in an article called “New Life for Congregations and Clergy.” He says,
It’s not just about money, but money can certainly be a key ingredient.
In 2016, the Episcopal Church Foundation received a three-year grant from the Lilly Endowment to help provide “lay and clergy leaders of the Episcopal Church with resources, tools and other support to help address the financial and leadership challenges of congregational ministry in the 21st century.” Part of this program was the Ministerial Excellence Fund (MEF), which provides “grants to entrepreneurial clergy with the ability to help transform congregations but for whom personal financial challenges provide significant impediments.”
To read the full article, click here.
More information to follow but please save Saturday, November 5, for this special occasion.
Lambeth Update
Dear Friends in Christ,
If you are following the reports of the Lambeth Conference now underway in Canterbury, England, you may be concerned or confused by the controversy surrounding the “Lambeth Calls” document that the gathered bishops are asked to vote on. A draft of these “Calls” was issued late last week, just prior to our arrival at the Conference. In them was a “Call on Human Dignity” in which the writer — as yet unidentified and unknown — inserted a statement that Christian marriage is between a man and a woman, renouncing any endorsement of marriage between persons of the same gender. The inclusion of that statement came as a complete surprise to the committee that drafted the Call.
After several days of vigorous responses to the draft of the “Call on Human Dignity” from many bishops from all over the Communion — not only from those in The Episcopal Church — the Call’s language has been revised to say, more accurately, that the bishops of the Anglican Communion are not in agreement in these matters, but we are committed to walking together in witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many bishops are also considering the value of voting, up or down, yea or nay, on our support of this or any of the Calls. Voting is the practice of a legislative body such as a General Convention or Congress. Historically, the Lambeth Conference has not been a legislative body, rather its statements are meant to inform the wider church, including the Church in the Diocese of New Hampshire, what its bishops are thinking about any number of topics. That is all.
I write my dear diocese of New Hampshire to inform you of what I know is happening here. But more importantly, I want to assure you with no hesitation in my heart or mind, that the Gospel of Jesus is for all of God’s children. Our commitment to marriage equality and the full inclusion of all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer and questioning persons in our church is unwavering.
The Calls document that was distributed last week was not a setback to the work of full inclusion, neither in New Hampshire nor in The Episcopal Church. We have traveled so far, borne so many personal and costly sacrifices, to change the course of this commitment now. I consider it a deep and humbling honor to be here, among several wonderful LBGTQIA+ bishop colleagues, especially since in 2008 my predecessor and your bishop, the Rt. Rev. Gene Robinson, was the solitary disinvited-to-Lambeth bishop who could only walk and bear powerful witness to what you and he had done to make God real in New Hampshire and throughout the world.
Despite media reports, I do not see widespread and deep discord among the bishops at Lambeth. Yes, the conference has just begun, but what I see is prayer, fellowship, and a desire to be friends in Christ, even among those who disagree. I see a passion to continue with God’s mission to heal a world imperiled by war, catastrophic ecological collapse, wounding gaps in wealth and privilege, and the need to repair relationships broken by civil, religious, and economic violence. Jesus was often confronted by those who sought to trap him in controversies. Even the Cross could not hinder his mission to include all humankind on the journey to the Kingdom of God. Nothing ensnared him, not even death. That’s the Easter power with which I seek to be his disciple, and your bishop, while I’m so honored to be here in Canterbury.
With love in Christ Jesus,
The Right Reverend A. Robert Hirschfeld
Bishop of New Hampshire
The heart and health of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire depends on broad engagement at the diocesan level from both clergy and lay congregants like you. These opportunities are filled in two ways: through appointment by the Bishop to serve on commissions and committees and through elections, which are held during the Annual Diocesan Convention.
If you are interested in being a nominee for any of the following elected positions, which will be voted on during the Annual Diocesan Convention on November 4, 2022, please click here to find the nomination form due by August 15:
· Treasurer (1 lay or clergy for 1 year)
· Secretary (1 lay or clergy for 1 year)
· Registrar (1 lay or clergy for 1 year)
· Standing Committee (1 clergy and 1 lay person for 3 years, through 2025)
· Diocesan Council Finance Committee (1 member-at-large for 3 years, through 2025)
· Deputy to the 2024 General Convention (4 clergy and 4 lay persons; 4 clergy and 4 lay alternates)
· Deputy to Provincial Synod (1 clergy and 1 lay; 2 alternates – 1 clergy and 1 lay)
If you are interested in being considered for volunteer opportunities on committees and commissions, please email Executive Assistant to the Bishop Shelli Gay with your ministry interests and experience. To learn more about committees and commissions, click here.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
Last but certainly not least is The Rev. Jason Wells.
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
I have been to General Convention as a deputy in 2012 and 2015. In 2015, I served on the committee for Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations where we affirmed relationships with our United Methodist and Latter-Day Saints neighbors and engaged in dialogue about how to relate to the Anglican Church of North America as it had then established itself as a new denomination. In 2012, I was not assigned to a committee but followed closely the Evangelism Committee.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
I enjoy being a part of the larger Episcopal Church at work and how it comes back to us in New Hampshire. Being a deputy means prayerfully reflecting on our deepest convictions as Episcopalians and asking God how we live this faith in our denomination at all levels. It is a joy to see the individual, parish, diocesan and denominational levels of our church working in concert for the sake of God’s glory.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
This year, I serve on the Dispatch of Business Committee. This group works in between other committees to make sure that Convention work happens smoothly. For example, if a resolution is moved from one committee to another or multiple similar resolutions are merged into one, then Dispatch of Business is at work.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
As a member of the Dispatch of Business committee, we will have a big job to do in keeping everything moving due to the priority of safety in a pandemic. I look forward to seeing The Episcopal Church rise to the occasion and offer creative ways for Convention to happen so that the mission of our local churches thrives.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
Next up, we have The Rev. Sue Poulin.
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
I attended General Convention in Austin, Texas, in 2018, as a delegate. In 2022, I will attend General Convention in Baltimore as an alternate.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
General Convention is a time in the church when I continue to learn the many different ways the larger church works. We are a body of so many different voices, beliefs, and ways of being. One of our gifts is our belief in a middle way, the via media. That can also force us to listen and learn from others that we do not come in contact with on a daily basis. I also find it very important to remember that our faith, our belief in God, is what brings us together, and is the reason for our gathering. I am humbled, grateful, and sometimes frustrated to be part of a church that works so hard to listen to God’s wisdom as we move forward.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
I do not sit on any committee. I have been assigned to follow 13-Committees and Commissions; 15-Ministry; and 12-Prayer Book, Liturgy, and Music.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
General Convention 2022, in Baltimore, is going to be a very interesting adventure. Many of the “fun” things that are often part of this gathering have been canceled due to concerns about Covid-19. But at the core of the work that is always done at General Convention is worship. There will not be singing, but there will be worship each day. We have all learned in the last two years that God can be worshiped in many ways we did not think possible. I am looking forward to worshiping, spending time with and supporting my colleagues, and continuing to deepen my knowledge of this church I love.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
Next up, we have Margaret Porter.
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
My first General Convention as a deputy was 2009 in Anaheim, Califoria. Then Indianapolis, Salt Lake City; Austin, TX; and next Baltimore, MD which means this will be my fifth convention and I've served as a deputy for 13 consecutive years.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
A deputy has the opportunity and privilege of seeing the Church in action, and participating in the legislative process that puts substance into our beliefs. General Convention displays the church in all its diversity--ethnicity, demographics, geography, outlook, and opinions, and manifests that we are truly an international and highly dedicated portion of the faithful, proclaiming Christ's message of love and salvation through our votes, our witness, our worship, and our communications.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
I am chairing the Committee on Privilege and Courtesy--for the third time! Our charge is to compose and present courtesy resolutions for the House of Deputies.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
The gathering of the faithful, the completion of the tasks begun remotely, in very unusual pandemic circumstances. Reflecting on and determining what impact and inspiration the acts of Convention will have on our own Diocese of New Hampshire. Attending hearings on resolutions, as schedule permits. And enjoying the fellowship of the New Hampshire deputies, being with each other each day in the House of Deputies and at meeting time when we share our experiences, report on our activities, and offer insights on pending legislation. Also, the worship is incredible--hearing gifted preachers, attending communion with a vast body of saints, hearing our familiar liturgy presented in languages other than English.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
Next up, we have Bobbi Beavers.
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
This will be my first General Convention.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
I am learning so much about the most important problems and issues the church is working to study and find/implement solutions that honor our baptismal covenant.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
I am observing LC09-Racial Justice and Reconciliation and LC20-Environmental Stewardship and Care of Creation.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
Meeting fellow Episcopalians from all over the world and learning how the governance of The Episcopal Church works, along with daily worship. Although I am totally new to The Episcopal Church governance at this level, I was a State Representative in the Maine Legislature from 2010 to 2016.
I am lucky to be traveling from Manchester with my current and former rectors from St. Thomas' in Dover, the Revs. Sue Poulin and Gail Avery.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
Next up, we have The Rev. Gail Avery
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
I am serving my 2nd term as your Deputy to General Convention and have attended three previous conventions starting in 2009 because I love our church and have a deepening love of what our church is becoming.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
From the onset, I've been immersed in ministries that have crossed cultural, religious, and economic barriers--expanding the boundaries of parish reach and giving voice to the most vulnerable in our midst. As a priest, I am provided multiple opportunities to incorporate locally what we commit to at General Convention, such as advocating for the repeal of the death penalty; more just immigration laws; raising our state's minimum wage; the reduction of gun violence; and closing the opportunity gap.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
Not all deputies are assigned to committees, which is the case for most of the New Hampshire delegation. Deputies not assigned to specific committees have been asked to remain informed on the progress of one or two legislative committees and then report back to the deputation on the important work being done.
I've been following Legislative Committee #4 on Governance and Structure. I'm also serving as your deputation chair, convening monthly meetings for the New Hampshire delegation and passing along any pertinent information from the General Convention Office. In April, the Rev. Gay Jennings, President of the House of Deputies, joined our meeting for a Q&A.
The 80th General Convention deputation is the youngest and most racially diverse in recent years and there has been a concerted effort to reflect our growing diversity. As a result, 36 percent of committee officers are people of color, 35 percent are 40 years of age or younger, and 70 percent of our 232 deputies who are of color are serving on committees.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
Our deputation works tirelessly--convening each morning with various legislative committees before the legislative sessions begin. It's an honor to serve our Diocese in this capacity again. I remain committed to innovating the role church can play worldwide and look forward to broadening our church's polity and priorities and call to be reconcilers and repairers of the breach.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
Next up, we have The Rev. Kate Atkinson.
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
I attended the 2015 and 2018 conventions, and I am second clergy alternate for this year’s. That means that, unless one of our clergy deputies has to drop out, I will not be attending this year – because only first alternates are permitted to attend under the COVID restrictions.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
We can all fall into the trap of limiting our vision to the boundaries of our own diocese – even our own parish – and General Convention provides a wonderful opportunity to break out of that mindset and discover the breadth and depth of our multinational, multicultural, endlessly diverse Episcopal Church. I enjoy meeting fellow Episcopalians whose life and faith experiences differ from my own; I am always inspired by new (to me) approaches to ministry and worship; and I invariably come away from legislative sessions, committee meetings, social events, even worship gatherings, with greater ecclesiastical knowledge, a fuller understanding of the workings of our Church, and the reassurance that we are never alone – in either our struggles or our joys!
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
Alternates are not assigned to legislative committees, but, at the last Convention, I served on the committee dealing with Title IV and Safeguarding. Title IV is The Episcopal Church Canon which addresses “ecclesiastical discipline:” a process of determining accountability, reconciliation, and pastoral response in matters of alleged clergy misconduct. Safeguarding addressed the wider issues of ensuring safety in church communities.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
Since it’s unlikely that I will join the New Hampshire deputation, what I look forward to most is a positive experience for my colleagues, a safe and COVID-free stay in Baltimore, and a smooth and successful transition from the traditional Convention format.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
Next up, we have Sarah Ambrogi.
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
I first attended as a deputy to General Convention 78 in Salt Lake City in 2015, and then I attended General Convention 79 in Austin in 2018. This year (General Convention 80 - Baltimore) will be my third general convention.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
It is very exciting to see the whole church at work. There is so much happening - wonderful worship, important issues being discussed, and many wonderful and interesting people to meet.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
I am serving as the Secretary of Committee 16 - Churchwide Leadership. Our committee is working on resolutions dealing with several important issues, including most notably a resolution calling for a unified churchwide family leave policy. This resolution came out of work done by an interim task force I served on during this past triennium.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
There is a lot of uncertainty right now about what this convention (deferred from last year) will look like - it is likely to be much shorter than planned, and to be quite a bit less social than prior conventions. The idea seems to be to winnow the convention business down to critical resolutions and elections. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to working with the rest of our deputation and making the most of our time together.
As we prepare for the Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention, being held July 7 - 14 in Baltimore, Maryland, we invite you to get to know the Deputies who will be representing The Episcopal Church of New Hampshire.
First up, let’s meet Benge Ambrogi.
How many years have you attended General Convention (as deputy or otherwise)?
This will be my second General Convention. My first was GC 79 in 2018 in Austin Texas.
Why do you enjoy being a deputy to General Convention?
In many ways the decisions the wider church impact our ministry here in New Hampshire. I think it is important for those impacted, particularly diocesan leadership, to be a part of that decision making process. I also enjoy meeting people from all across the church who are working to help this institution thrive.
What committees, if any, are you sitting on this year?
I am not sitting on any committees for this General Convention. At GC 79, I was a member of Committee 10, Congregational and Diocesan Vitality. I also served on the Task Force to Assist the Office of Pastoral Development, an interim body that was looking at improvements in the Episcopal election and transition process.
What are you looking forward to the most in Baltimore?
I’m looking forward to studying in depth the resolutions that directly impact our worship, learning, and service in the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire. I’m looking forward to seeing how the early virtual start to General Convention has changed and hopefully improved the quality and quantity of resolutions being considered on the floors of the two houses. I’m looking forward to advocating for a more compact GC in the future, both in time and in size.
May 14, 2022
Dear Episcopalians of New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine,
Today we celebrated a new milestone! Episcopalians from across Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine met on Zoom today for Maine’s Spring Training event, and during the program, the three of us had the opportunity to reflect and answer questions about the collaboration we are pursuing. We also had the opportunity to share some news.
In a spirit of trust in each other and in God’s future for the church in Northern New England, we announced today that we have decided to name one another as assisting bishops in one another’s dioceses, beginning in September.
This means that:
Bishop Rob will name Bishop Shannon and Bishop Brown as assisting bishops in New Hampshire
Bishop Shannon will name Bishop Rob and Bishop Brown as assisting bishops in Vermont
Bishop Brown will name Bishop Shannon and Bishop Rob as assisting bishops in Maine
Assisting bishops serve at the invitation of the ecclesiastical authority—in this case, bishops inviting other bishops. The role of an assisting bishop is to preach and teach and provide sacramental rites (Canon III.12.5), but not to exercise governance authority. Through preaching, teaching, and presiding, we look forward to exercising our ministry in ways that will allow us to get to know each other’s dioceses, learn more about the Episcopal Church across our region, and discern how we might learn to collaborate with one another for the sake of God’s mission.
As you know, the three of us have been meeting together for quite some time. As we have talked about ways that we could collaborate in ministry, it has stirred in us a holy curiosity to understand and imagine who we are in God’s eyes. As we imagine together, we are creating space to practice creativity with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, learning and exploring where we might give up control and try new things. We believe that serving as assisting bishops in one another’s dioceses will feed that holy curiosity and creativity, and we are eager to begin this new chapter in our ministries.
We are also grateful to the members of our standing committees who graciously and eagerly affirmed this new arrangement when they met together online for fellowship and conversation in early April. This new arrangement will not change our full-time ministry with the dioceses where we serve as bishop diocesan, and it will be budget-neutral for all three dioceses.
We are excited to explore together where the Holy Spirit may guide us, and we look forward to continued conversations and collegiality across our three dioceses.
Faithfully in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. A. Robert Hirschfeld, Bishop of New Hampshire
The Rt. Rev. Thomas J. Brown, Bishop of Maine
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Shannon MacVean-Brown, Bishop of Vermont
133 bishops and bishops-elect at Camp Allen in Navasota, Texas. Photo courtesy of The Episcopal Church.
For the first time since meeting in Minneapolis in the fall of 2019, the House of Bishops came together this past week at Camp Allen outside of Houston, Texas. Though the many months of gathering electronically during the COVID-19 pandemic had made me even more of a homebody that I already was, I found this meet to be especially renewing. I return to New Hampshire with a refreshed sense of our purpose and mission as a servant of our God and Savior Jesus Christ for the sake of a world that finds itself in turmoil.
There are a number of highlights that are worthy of reporting to my beloved Church in New Hampshire:
First, with the guidance of Episcopal priest and mystic, Cynthia Bourgeault, we began our time together with some theological and spiritual re-grounding. We reacquainted ourselves and contemplated our relationship, both personally and as a body, to the God who has chosen to be with humanity. Not as a God of manipulation who sought protection from risks and changes of the human condition, but as one who in Christ, “emptied himself and took the form of a human, choosing out of freedom to allow himself to suffer death, even death on a cross.” That great self-emptying — the free divine choice to be honest, humble, and hospitable — is the path by which we can fully share the life of God and find a hopefulness that is strong and resilient. By now, that way of thinking about our life in God as Christians in New Hampshire won’t be a surprise, as it’s been the theme I have tried to restate continually since becoming your bishop.
Second, we were honest about what we are experiencing as a church and a people. We discussed openly the “existential threats” to our church. We named them: the decline in church membership, the lack of adequately trained ordained and lay leadership to fill vacancies and guide congregations through this period of tremendous change, and the marginalization of most of the mainline denominations away from a place of prominence and privilege in the halls of society’s power, even as many of us still cling to notions of a post-WWII heyday when many of our parish buildings were constructed and filled and Sunday Schools were burgeoning. We face all these internal church stresses within the context of our society’s deepening political divisions, the strenuous national racial reckoning, and the worsening global climate crisis.
Third, we heard from our bishop in Europe who, in addition to describing the wave of war refugees pouring into Western Europe, emphasized that we cannot be naïve about the threats to world democracies posed by the capricious and isolated dictator in Moscow who seems ever more bent on a path of widening mayhem that could lead us all into a time of international tribulation. In Putin we have a man in Moscow who is counting on the fact that the US is so divided, and the cohesion of our society so compromised, that we would not know how to respond to his longed-for aggressions.
Tribulation and trial are not new realities for us followers of Jesus. Stresses and storms decline, and even death is no match for a faith that follows a God who chose to enter humankind in a land occupied by a despotic empire, and to suffer death, even death on a cross, so that God’s glorious life could be shared with all. It always seems like a new truth, but the Last Supper, Gethsamene, Golgotha and the Empty Tomb, are all events that all happened at once, simultaneously in the mind of God and in our divine liturgies of Holy Week.
These may seem like ever-darkening times — and they may in fact be — but I am so struck by the depth of fellowship we share in the Spirit of God alive in our church; from the House of Bishops to the smallest gathering of faithful disciples in New Hampshire. I witnessed a pledge from one of the more conservative of our bishops to accompany a cherished friend in Christ — a newly consecrated black and gay bishop — when we gather as bishops at the Lambeth Conference later this summer. We were unanimous in our support of three Pastoral Letters (learn more here) concerning our continue prayers and efforts to resolve the violence and injustices in Palestine and Israel, to support families of LGBTQ+ citizens and fellow Christians who are targets of demeaning legislative actions in many states (including New Hampshire), and repudiating the war in Ukraine and pledging to support efforts for peace, diplomacy and care for refugees, especially those who are most vulnerable.
In a poem written in the eve of WWII, W.H. Auden wrote: We must learn to love each other or die.
Believe it or not, and I hope you do believe it, how we love — or do not love — our neighbor has cosmic effects. Reconciliation is always local: one by one. This is our purpose as followers of Jesus. Though we may weep in the nighttime, joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30)
May our Joy this Easter be seen in your neighborhood and around the world!
Yours in Evergreening Hope,