
Mission Resources Committee

The Mission Resources Committee, a committee of the Diocesan Council, administers grants, including Fair Share Adjustment Grants, funded directly from the annual diocesan budget to congregations actively growing their mission. The committee is made up of lay and ordained individuals, appointed by the bishop. Committee members may serve as liaisons to granted congregations, helping foster a stronger relationship between the congregation and the diocese, and providing a conduit to other resources available from the diocese. The staff liaison is Director of Finance and Benefits Lauren Tennett.

Members of the Committee

Becky Carr (2025)
Nancy Lee Harding (2025)
Rev. Caroline Hines (2025)
Joyce Johnson (2026)
Michael Kopp (2027)
Rev. Reed Loy, chair (2027)
Connie Morton-Ewbank (2026)
Rev. Leah Philbrick (2027)

Accessibility Grants 

 Accessibility is a challenge for churches in older buildings, and although they are exempt from the ADA, it is important to be welcoming to people of all abilities. Churches need funding as well as education and awareness of the issues and possible solutions.  Grants will be available up to $2,000 to any church that completes the Accessibility Assessment Form. After the Assessment is completed, the church will set goals and create a plan to begin making upgrades to become more accessible. Click on the documents directly below for more information, an assessment form, and the application.

About the Accessibility Grant
Accessibility Assessment Form
Grant Application

Mission Resources Grants

Mission Resources Grants are awarded in support of new or existing ministries. Multi-year grants are generally awarded, however, because grant amounts are typically reduced over time, the development of a plan for financial self-sufficiency is expected. These grants are awarded throughout the year, as long as funds are available.

Mission Resources Grant application

Fair Share Adjustments

Fair Share Adjustments are requested by congregations who determine that they are unable to meet their full asking for a particular calendar year.

This year, the application is due Friday, Jan. 31, 2025, and congregations will be invited to meet with the committee — and other churches making requests — as part of the discernment. Attendance at the Mission Resources Committee gathering of applicant congregations is required as a condition for getting an adjustment approved.

The meeting will be held Saturday, Feb. 22 at 9 a.m,. at St. Andrew’s Church in Hopkinton.

Fair Share Adjustment application: Word format (the document will download automatically)

For more information, please contact Chief Financial Officer Benge Ambrogi.